Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday's suck

I go out to feed the girls this morning. This is what I find trapped in their water trough.

A (insert expletive here) RAT!

I've lived here for 4 years and I have never seen a rat on my property, now I've got them vacationing in my girl's drinking water!

I can deal with possums, racoons, moles and mice. Anything but rats. The only animal that I truly, at the root of my core, HATE! I'm not afraid of them I just find them disgusting and evil. They eat anything, destroy everything, and they are nearly impossible to get rid of. They are the cockroaches of the animal kingdom.

Now, what to DO about this rat? Let it drown? Get it out and try to kill it? Shoot it? Or just let it go? I chose to let it drown. How long does it take to drown a rat? A VERY long time appearantly. I waited over 8 hours and she was still swimming. Now what? WHACk-A-RAT!!! I grab her up by her tail, drop her into an empty feed bag. Lay the bag on the ground and WHACK! with the biggest shovel on the planet. Wow! I've never killed before. Is it wrong to get actual pleasure from ending a life? Probably. But that damn rat will not be bringing her next litter to the "swimmin' hole" anytime soon.

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