Saturday, March 13, 2010

No Trailer? No Problem!

We have a trailer. We use it all the time. BUT, there are times when I just don't want to haul the trailer: bad weather, when I'm hauling just one alpaca, and/or on long trips. We recently experienced all three on one unavoidable trip. A mid-February trip to Cleveland, OH just after (and just before) a snow storm to bring home an awesome true black suri male. Ugh!
How do I solve such a dilema? Jeep Liberty to the rescue! Fold down the back seats, put down a tarp and a stall mat, bag of hay to munch on and off we go. Meet Cristo...
Cristo didn't seem to mind the 12 hour ride too much. After living in northern Ohio all of his life he seemed to rather enjoy looking out at the snow from the warm and cozy Jeep. We stopped at the occasional rest stop, got him out to stretch and get a drink of water. Of course there were plenty of stares and photos taken by the other travelers but he took it all in stride. He even waited until no one was watching to "go" in the grass. Good boy! Welcome to our herd. Please don't poop in the shelter.


Anonymous said...

you guys are to funny love it and hope to get to coalmont to visit your funny farm.

Anonymous said...

you guys are to funny love it and hope to get to coalmont to visit your funny farm.