Sunday, April 4, 2010

Nothing but Trouble

We picked up 5 new suris on Good Friday. When you get new alpacas there is always "something" you have to deal with, be it worming, skin issues, attitudes, or bad fleece.

Here comes Trouble...

Looks like Trouble wasn't shorn last year huh? Unfortunately this pic is from last year and when we picked him up on Good Friday he STILL hadn't been shorn. In fact, I don't know if he had ever been shorn in his 3 years of life in HOT Alabama. Sad, yes. Uncomfortable, yes. Matted, dirty, hot and disgusting-YIKES!

Welcome to Hidden Gem Ranch Trouble!
Our suris are shorn every year, even if we have to use scissors.
Dennis & Melissa to the rescue!
15 minutes with 2 pairs of household scissors and poof! Brand new alpaca. Thankfully,Trouble was a complete gentleman about the whole situation. Up until that point he had been skittish at best. He stood quietly while Dennis snipped off one side and I snipped the other. He's certainly not going to win any beauty contests with the new "do", but he is free from all that hot hair. We clipped off 12" of matted ropes! He's a brand new man now and just a sweetie. Bring on the summer!


queenopearls said...

Melissa, I hope Trouble is feeling oh so much lighter and comfortable.
I trust Cristo is also adjusting well.
Happiest Easter to you and your entire family including the furry ones.

Melissa McFail said...

Thanks Christina! They are both quite pleased with their haircuts. Plus Cristo is getting his first shot at breeding next week so you know he's feeling like a big man.